A team of researchers from the University of California are in the midst of conducting a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of personalized immunotherapy treatments. The trial targets individuals dealing with a multitude of advanced cancers. Researchers are using technology to identify unique traits in a patient’s body. Furthermore, the trial is using a » Read More
A recent study published in the United Kingdom found that prophylactic radiotherapy, a treatment used regularly for two decades for those diagnosed with mesothelioma, offers no benefits to the patient. Prophylactic radiotherapy was regularly given to those with mesothelioma after they received invasive surgery to prevent metastasis of the chest wall, an area of the » Read More
Early diagnosis is a rarity in the mesothelioma community. Therefore, developments in technology that allow for early detection are crucial for patient survival. One of the newest developments in technology is a breath test. The breath test works by identifying key biomarkers in a patient’s breath. Doctors are hopeful that the breath test will give » Read More
Mesothelioma is a lung disease that affects the surrounding tissue caused by exposure to asbestos. The disease, a form of cancer, usually occurs many years after exposure. Mesothelioma tends not to display any early signs or symptoms. Accordingly, most cases are not found until they are quite advanced. Late detection and the aggressive nature of the » Read More