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Breath Test Developed for Early Mesothelioma Detection

Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyers help those harmed by asbestos and discuss new detection breath test. Early diagnosis is a rarity in the mesothelioma community. Therefore, developments in technology that allow for early detection are crucial for patient survival. One of the newest developments in technology is a breath test. The breath test works by identifying key biomarkers in a patient’s breath. Doctors are hopeful that the breath test will give patients the opportunity to fight the asbestos-related cancer. Medical professionals are also optimistic that the test will become an accessible option for mesothelioma screening. Ultimately, this will lead to early diagnosis in patients.

The Study

Researchers are planning a study to determine identifiers of early-stage mesothelioma. Plans for the study stems from a partnership between two separate companies; Owlstone Medical and the International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers. The purpose of the study is to determine the reliability of mesothelioma detection through breath samples.

There are two phases of the study. The first phase will focus on mesothelioma patients who have already been diagnosed. This part of the study will attempt to identify volatile organic compounds found in patients’ breath. Further analysis of these compounds are completed in the second phase of the study. The purpose of the second phase is to verify the predictive values of these biomarkers.

If the study is successful, this test could lead to major medical advances. If the test is reliable, it could become a convenient method of diagnosing the asbestos-related cancer. Unfortunately, CT scans and other imaging tools can be inaccessible. If the test is efficient, it may become an accessible option for patients.

The Importance of Early Detection

Unfortunately, mesothelioma is a particularly difficult cancer to diagnose. This is due to vague symptoms that mirror other illnesses, such as fatigue, dry cough, and chest tightness. It is also difficult for modern day imaging technologies to detect the cancer. These common technologies include PET scans, X-rays, and CT scans. A proper diagnosis may require a combination of these imaging scans.

Unfortunately, by the time a diagnosis typically occurs, the patient is already experiencing the cancer in its later stages. A late diagnosis could lead to several difficulties. The patient may have fewer treatment options than a patient who is diagnosed in the cancer’s early stages. Similarly, the patient’s treatment is typically less effective. Therefore, an early diagnosis gives patients an opportunity to find treatment, inform their families, and plan arrangements.

Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Lawyers at Brookman, Rosenberg, Brown & Sandler Help Those Harmed by Asbestos Exposure

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, please consider contacting a Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyer at Brookman, Rosenberg, Brown & Sandler. A mesothelioma diagnosis can incite feelings of despair or hopelessness. If you are interested in speaking to one of our lawyers, contact us online or call us at 215-569-4000 for a free consultation. With an office located in Philadelphia, we proudly serve clients throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey, including Delaware County, Chester County, Philadelphia County.