Spanish artists Maria Castellanos and Alberto Valverde have developed a new “smart dress” with wearable technology they say detects pollution and other environmental contaminants in the air such as asbestos, dust, and radiation. The Environmental Dress 2.0 is made to detect the aggressiveness of the environment and its impact on the mood and state of mind. Sensors in the Environment Dress 2.0 capture what is happening in the environment and relate it to how the wearer is feeling. The sensors feed the data into a mobile app that is controlled by the user. The app also stores the user’s location and records their mood, enabling them to create a map based on emotions they feel in their city. By keeping track of their location, the dress could help users to avoid polluted areas.
While asbestos is highly regulated now, it was once used frequently in everything, from insulation and building materials to cement and fire-proofing. The Environment Dress 2.0 may prove beneficial in marking areas with high concentrations of asbestos. The Environment Dress 2.0 may also help our communities become aware of additional pollutants in the air and assist cities to make changes that will help their citizens to live healthier lives. The artists hope that it can capture enough data to educate people about environmental contaminants in their homes and local areas, including asbestos in schools and public buildings. They have also made the software they used in the dress “open source.” This means the source code is available to anyone who wants to modify and share the technology, which can help bring environmental awareness to our world.
If you or a loved one is suffering from mesothelioma after working with asbestos, or if you have lived around asbestos, our experienced Philadelphia mesothelioma lawyers can fight for the compensation you deserve. If you would like to learn more about our services, please complete our online form or call our Philadelphia offices at 1-215-569-4000 or toll-free at 1-800-369-0899 to set up your initial consultation. At Brookman, Rosenberg, Brown & Sandler, we represents clients throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania, including Delaware County, Philadelphia County, and Chester County, as well as in New Jersey.