A recent study confirms that the rarest and most deadly subtype of mesothelioma is less likely to show a positive response to chemotherapy treatment than other more common subtypes of mesothelioma.
Scientists from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and the Levine Cancer Institute in North Carolina studied 1,475 mesothelioma patients and their response to first or second-line chemotherapy. Of the group, 68% had the most common subtype – epithelioid mesothelioma. Just over 13% had biphasic tumors, and the remaining 9.3% of participants suffered from the most lethal subtype – sarcomatoid mesothelioma. The response patterns to chemotherapy treatment varied over the three types, but overall 21.9% of patients showed a measurable impact on the size of their tumors following the chemotherapy treatment.
Of the group studied, patients with the sarcomatoid subtype of mesothelioma showed a significantly lower response to treatment. Only 13.9% reported a positive impact on tumor size following chemotherapy which was eight percent lower than the overall rate. Though this information may seem discouraging to those suffering from the disease, the study focused only on those who underwent first or second-line chemotherapy. Other mesothelioma treatments options are available, including surgery and radiation, and doctors agree that a multi-modal approach usually produces the best outcomes.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may feel overwhelmed by the uncertainties the future holds. Turn to the experienced and dedicated Philadelphia asbestos lawyers at Brookman, Rosenberg, Brown & Sandler for help. We can ease your burden by fighting for the compensation you deserve to help you and your family cover medical costs, long-term care, and loss of income. We have a proven track record of success in gaining maximum awards for victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.
Our office is conveniently located in Center City, Philadelphia and represents clients throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey, including Philadelphia County, Chester County and Delaware County. Call us today at 1-800-369-0899 to schedule your free consultation or submit an online contact form.