Good news to auto mechanics as well as consumers in Washington and California. Both states have passed legislation that requires that any brake pads sold in those states after 2015 not contain asbestos and other toxic substances. While only these two states have specifically designed legislation prohibiting the use of brake pads with asbestos, the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association expect that the laws will have nationwide influence in the near future.
All automakers and brake manufacturers of asbestos-containing brake pads will be impacted as it is not practical for automakers to have one type of brake pads for vehicles in two states and another type for vehicles in other states. The groundbreaking laws in these two states may encourage automakers to stop producing brakes with asbestos altogether.
For more information on asbestos, or illnesses caused by asbestos exposure including lung cancer and mesothelioma, call the mesothelioma attorneys in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Brookman, Rosenberg, Brown & Sandler at 800-369-0899 or contact us online. We represent clients in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania and will evaluate your potential asbestos claim at no cost.