The findings of an Italian study recently reported in the journal Scientific Reports may indicate new information on what makes asbestos so toxic. The toxicity of asbestos is well-documented but exactly why it is, scientists have been unable to pinpoint. Scientists have opined, however, that iron may inhibit the bodies’ cancer-preventing enzymes by changing DNA. They have suggested that removing excess iron from the body may be one way to prevent mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.
Findings in the recent Italian study seem to corroborate these theories. The study tracked unusual distributions of iron as it interacted with asbestos fibers at different stages after they entered the body. The researchers also found that iron changed the longer the asbestos fibers were in the body. Ferritin is the iron found in asbestos fibers, but when researchers examined imbedded fibers from the lung, they found hematite a completely different iron type. The researchers in the Italian study concluded that this chemical change in the iron will help them better understand how asbestos becomes so toxic and inhibits natural cancer-preventing enzymes resulting in mesothelioma.
Victims of asbestos exposure deserve experienced and knowledgeable legal representation. The Philadelphia asbestos attorneys at Brookman, Rosenberg, Brown & Sandler have the resources to take on any mesothelioma case and get the results you and your family need. Moreover, our firm’s mesothelioma attorneys can provide the personal attention and experienced, compassionate representation your family deserves.
If you or a loved one is suffering as a result of asbestos exposure and needs the help of a Philadelphia asbestos lawyer, please call our office at800-369-0899 or submit an online contact form.